Iraq TV has pictures of POW's and US Soldiers that are dead

CNN will be showing the images when they can clear them up they are saying.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would ask all of you, if you have access to that videotape, to please not post names of any of the soldiers on that videotape shown on Al Jazeera. For the small part that we could do, please allow the military to confirm and contact the families if indeed the video is valid, as is apparently the case. The families may find this out anyway from some other Internet source, but on the greatest of improbabilities, please don't allow them to read the names here.

Fox is so far refusing to show the tape. Apparently the 5 POWs were being interrogated in a makeshift morgue with the bodies of I believe 4 other American soldiers being shown, apparently ALL of them shot in the head execution-style. One of the surviving POWS is a woman. On the tape, a widely-grinning Iraqi is shown showing off the body of one of the Americans.

I would thank you greatly not to do so.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yes, Judge, it is. It of course comes as no surprise to me that this regime would do this, but it is a source of great sorrow, and pride in our soldiers who are there.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Thanks a lot France,French democrats and Hollywood and the Religion of Peace!

This is the type of thing hollywood props up as they have their gas gussling armored limos while they shit on these kids at their blow-athon tonight.
Iraqi prisoners and I haven't seen one executed yet. The US took 80K prisoners in Gulf 1 and there was not one report of the Iraqi POWS being mistreated. This is FUKIN BULLSHIT.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002
Out,do you really expect Iraq to abide by any rules in this war.If you do you are extremly naive.Of course it is barbaric.But seriously what do you expect from a regime that has no qualms about killing their own people.Did you really expect them to treat any of our prisoners differently?
Don't be so naive, of course its tragic to see US soldiers dead, wounded or captured, which I still have not seen on US television. Unfortunately this is the nature of war, we kill and wound you, you kill and wound us. In VietNam it was common for GI's to waste VC prisoners for nothing. I know of many atrocities that I will not discuss here, it is all part of what war is all about. This is one of the many reasons you see so many protests globally. Man's inhumanity to man, seams to have no limits.

Wil,agreed.This is nothing new.We as Americans want a "clean war".We also expect people to act with our sensibility.It ain't gonna happen.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
I am not naive.. the naitivety lies with those with who think that this sub human part of the world would not reach out and touch us like they did on 9/11..most all goverments in the mideast have repressive regimes that feed off propaganda that feeds off appeasers and anti americanism and props them up.
Will, I do understand where your coming from because I belive you and a few others get their logic from other than a bumper sticker..but I really believe that this problem has to be taken care of, if all the protesters protested stopping the war by stopping Saddam than politizing we might have taken him down peacfully...I would have loved nothing better than to see this thing end before a shot fired.I firmly believe that these countries,hollywood, have the blood of these kids on their hands.
I understand what you are saying. The problem is the human mind, what you believe is righteous, I may think is a crime, or vice versa. You could put 1000 people in the middle of the desert at high noon and some of them will tell you its the middle of the night. What I am trying to say is that you are naive to think everyone on the planet will agree on any single fact. The protesters believe in what they are doing, no matter how much harm you or I believe they are doing. This is the nature of the beast called man. In truth the enemy is not a French waitress protesting somewhere in Paris,or an American celebrity on The Tonight Show, but the evil and totally ruthless regime in Iraq.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Any photos or videos on any web sites???

Rumsfeld has ordered cnn not to show the videos!

1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Will, point taken...I guess what bothers me the most is that people will side with a guy like saddam than over our goverment by saying blood for oil and shit like that..oil in that region was discovered by western technology, technology devoleped under free people with free ideas that these dictators deny for their own people which breeds the ignorant hate in the first place....Right now I believe in the concept that the goverment is selling, hopefully the proof will be in the pudding...The only thing sadder than what transpired today was 9/11.I just don't see how we will avoid more 9/11's keeping the status quo.
Seems they were a bit more honorable in Gulf 1 with our prisoners. I don't recall any of our POWS being executed. This is BS, if the fuker thinks shit like this is going to stop the US from proceeding he's wrong. Clintoons out of office. There's alot of Americans that sit back quitely at home and support the president and our troops this is going to get the pro-US people out. The 76% that support the war.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

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